When I first went to London in 1959, Hyde Park was a unique place in the world. It had been set apart as the one place on earth where a person could get up and say ANYTHING.

The ONLY place on earth where there were no obscenity laws, no bans on preaching violent revolution. Inciting to riot was Ok in Hyde Park, and the result was that no one ever rioted there. The English were very proud of it.

You can still be obscene in Hyde Park, but that does not violate Political Correctness. To a member of the Church of Political Correctness, obscenity IS free speech.

But if you are not a Wordist, you look beyond some Words to explain titanic national differences.

The point is that those who say that the American Bill of Rights is what protects free speech here is Wordist nonsense. Britain has a Constitution, too, though it is not written. That Constitution became as committed to free speech as the authors of our Bill of Rights.

There was not a single Hyde Park anywhere in America. Before the Crown versus Joseph Pierce, British Courts had repeatedly ruled that if what one said was true, it could not be outlawed. In an early Hate Crimes case the deciding Opinion said, "There is no law against an Englishman telling the truth."

This was based on the English Constitution.

An amendment makes a huge prop for a Wordist, but we have seen what the courts did to the Second Amendment. The first amendment is no bar to anything.

The reason it became subject to the Thought Police is because it is Europe, a category in which I include Canada and the blue states.

A Wordist says a country is made up of its words. So naturally they stop explaining the difference between England and America by quoting the first amendment. If you think about it, if you understand like any literate person what a court can do to a few words in the Constitution, this is laughable.

But nobody laughs.

Even Wordists know that if you took the entire population of Mexico and put them here, and moved the present Americans, we would have a Mexico here. But they declare that if you do it a little at a time, it is Bigotry to say the people make any difference.

The people make the country, not the words. There lies is the fundamental error of Wordism.

Wordists cannot fathom the basic difference between Americans and Europeans. They certainly cannot deal rationally with the concept of race.