Lysenko Lesson I

Trofim Lysenko was appointed the director of the USSR's Institute of Generics by Stalin in 1940. Like every other Communist absurdity, he has been carefully forgotten in today's history.

Before 1914, the Ukraine had been know as The Breadbasket of Europe for centuries. After the Soviet takeover, it was a center of starvation and at the end the USSR was importing huge amounts of American wheat just to stay alive in peacetime.

How Communists managed to turn The Breadbasket of Europe into a wheat importer involves a lot of history, collective farms, Stalin's murder of millions of kulaks, and other things that would have to be introduced to most readers because Mommy Professor is sure as hell not going to talk about it.

One part of that history is Lysenko. The first problem is to say this so you won't laugh.

Lysenko said that there is no such thing as genetics. He had MILLIONS of peasants planting summer wheat in winter time, in RUSSIA, because the wheat would LEARN to be winter wheat.

This was NOT an experiment. This was a Truth of Soviet orthodoxy.

Lysenko Lesson I is why this was NOT an experiment. A small scale experiment is a method of trying out a THEORY. This was NOT a THEORY. Mentioning the possibility that Lysenko's Method would not work was the same as saying that only four million Jews died in the Holocaust in today's Germany.

The big difference is that in modern Germany, you only get a prescribed minimum four-year sentence in a relatively comfortable prison. In the USSR if you referred to Official Soviet Genetics as a THEORY, you got ten years in Siberia that made the old chain gangs look like a vacation.

Russian peasants were already starving, but millions of them had to plant their entire summer wheat seed supply in winter time. It is likely that a lot more people died of that than six million, but nobody talks about it, so we don't know.

Lysenko Lesson II

Lysenko Lesson I explained how the suppression of free speech in the USSR led Stalin to force millions of already near starving peasants to plant summer wheat in the winter. Where there is no free speech, the word "experiment" is banned.

So Lysenko's declaration that summer wheat would LEARN to be winter wheat if planted for the winter was not a theory to be subjected to small-scale experiments before it was unleashed to starve millions of peasants.

Lysenko's statements were Marxist Orthodoxy. To experiment with it would have been a crime.

Lysenko Lesson II is how Stalin came to turn all of Soviet agriculture over to a basket case.

There WERE trained professional geneticists in the USSR. In the 1930s the Medicogenetical Institute of Moscow conducted the most complete identical twin test in history to compare the influence of heredity and environment.

These real geneticists were not innocent lambs. They used the fact that in an Oriental Despotism like Stalin's they could take newborns from parents and separate them into different environments. Since the newborns have the same genes, this is the best test of simple environment versus heredity.

These geneticists were not only not innocent, they were really suicidal. This giant test proved what all valid identical tests prove, that a child raised in a literate home and its twin raised in a peasant home are still enormously alike.

This test is discussed in Garrett Hardin's Nature and Man's Fate. As Lysenko Lesson III will point out, it has been flushed down Mommy Professor's Memory Hole, so don't come back and say you can't find it.

The reason these geneticists were suicidally stupid is that by the 1930s, when they came out with their results, the greatest enemy of Communists was one Adolf Hitler. Hitler believed in heredity.

Marxism is based on the idea that all human institutions are the direct result of economic exploitation. In plain English, Marxism says that, when it comes to political ideology, genes do not exist.

A few years after Hitler's rise to power in Germany, the Medicogenetical Institute announced that the determining factor in human beings was genetics.

They did this under STALIN!

The head of the Institute was arrested, given the usual right to an attorney and no water boarding from the NKVD, later the KGB, and then, as Garrett Hardin put it, "Confessed his ideological error and was shot."

Stalin did not look among other professional geneticists for a replacement. He abolished genetics, and Lysenko was just the ideological nutcase to turn it over to.

Thus endeth Lysenko Lesson II: There is absolutely nothing so silly a Mommy Professor fanatic will not enforce it.

Lysenko Lesson III

Lysenko Lesson I explained how the suppression of free speech in the USSR led Stalin to force millions of already near starving peasants to plant summer wheat in the winter. Where there is no free speech, the word "experiment" is banned.

So Lysenko's declaration that summer wheat would LEARN to be winter wheat if planted for the winter was not a theory to be subjected to small-scale experiment before it was unleashed to starve millions of peasants.

Lysenko's statements were Marxist Orthodoxy. To experiment with it would have been a crime.

Lysenko Lesson II is how Stalin came to turn all of Soviet agriculture over to a basket case. It relates to the Six Million Laws in Europe. Soviet agriculture was declared subject to Marxist thinking, so it was no tested. So summer wheat seed was destroyed by planting it at the wrong time because, according to Marxism, it would LEARN to be winter wheat.

At this moment, Europe is declaring that there are no Danish people and no German people. All are evil because of the six million Jews, and not one less, that were killed by the Nazis. Orthodoxy Laws, which starved million of peasants, now declare that the highest goal of European culture is its own destruction.

So we all know what anyone means when they say "The Six Million." They know the Six Million because it is shouted from every rooftop that any champion of any white nation is a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

Hitler is Mommy Professor's meal ticket.

Lysenko caused the death of millions and his name is almost completely unknown, and less so every year.

He embarrasses Mommy Professor. There is no law on earth against anyone's underestimating the deaths Lysenko caused.

There is no law anywhere on earth against underestimating the number of Ukrainians Stalin killed.

In fact, few people today know who Lysenko WAS.

But the lesson is that Lysenko is not DISCUSSED. Lysenko Lesson III is SILENCE.

When we were able to look into the KGB and found that the people Joseph McCarthy called Communists really WERE Communists, no one rushed to defend those who had attacked McCarthy.

The term "McCarthyism" simply stopped being used.

When Solzhenitsyn wrote about the Soviet Gulags and the millions who died there, European Intellectuals, who had laughed at the idea of Soviet atrocities, suddenly recognized them. It is now forgotten that Intellectuals ever denied Stalin's atrocities.

Then Lysenko died, the only information on him National Review knew about was in my first book. Their Lysenko obituary was almost entirely from my book, including one error.

During all the years of the Cold War, National Review had long, intellectual discussions of the moral shortcomings of Communism. I kept trying to get them to discuss the simple fact that every Communist country had to keep its people from escaping by threat of death.

Mommy Professor did not discuss the Berlin Wall and all the other walls that encircled every Communist country.

So National Review did not discuss the Berlin Wall and all the other walls that encircled every Communist country.

Mommy Professor does not discuss the simple evil of his beliefs. Respectable conservatives are selected for respectability because they are the people who forget everything Mommy Professor needs forgotten.

Respectable conservatives are the ones who ignore that all this multiracialism and multiculturalism is aimed ONLY at white countries and at ALL white countries. Like any other organized crime, they observe the Code of Silence.