I do have some sympathy with the Palestinians. See September 13, 2001 - MY ARAB SYMPATHIES.
I hate terrorism, so the death of Israeli civilians is certainly not welcome to me.
But as I pointed out in the most recent WhitakerOnline WorldView, May 10, 2003 -- I'm Too Bigoted to be Anti-Semitic, what is important to me is neither Israelis nor Palestinians.
The political left is the great enemy of my people.
The political left increases the number of murders of my own people here with a pro-criminal policy. Leftism is the fatal disease of my own country. If you help the left here, you are a criminal and a terrorist. No one seems to mind that terrorism at all.
Israel wants to preserve Jewish identity, but the same people who fund Israel are dedicated to the complete destruction of my identity. Liberal Jews are Boasian Jews. They consider Jews to be a minority group, and they see all minority groups as joined in a common war against white people.
Leftism demands the end of white people and of America. When it comes to Israel liberal Jews are outraged at the idea that a peace settlement would allow five million Palestinians to return to the land in modern Israel that was taken from them. But the same big-money contributors who want to preserve the Jewish identity of Israel demand that America's borders be opened up to the third world.
Liberals want third world immigration to pour into EVERY white majority country.
Liberals demand that third world immigration pour ONLY into white countries.
Jewish Liberals want two things
1) The preservation of Jewish identity in Israeli;
2) The destruction of all white gentile identity.
So if I do not get all upset about terrorism in Israel, it is because terrorism there reduces terrorism here.