To see clearly what I am about to say, you need to understand the two articles above.
All of these wildly advanced civilizations got the wheel from what historians are paid to call "barbarians." This is the way they refer to people like the Scythians and the Spaniards who crushed the Indian civilizations.
As you will note above, the innocent sweet faultless little Native Americans whom the Spanish conquered never hesitated to do at least as bad to the people they conquered. Human sacrifice on an almost unbelievable scale was an integral part of the Aztec's Great Civilization.
But, according to the history we pay to have taught to our children, any amount of slaughter is all right if you are of a non-white race. It is only evil if white people do bad things, according to Accepted History.
We are just touching the surface of the depths of absurdity of the Accepted History we pay to have taught to our children.
There are many other examples of absurdities in Accepted History we all have immediate access to, like our insane picture of Classical Civilization.
But with carbon dating and the information age, the advance of science is crushing the established religion of our Liberal Seminaries, AKA, universities. Technology is steadily destroying the most fundamental assumptions that our Liberal Seminaries run on.
It is only a question of time before reality and new communications exposes the left, not as a Conspiracy by Geniuses, as rightists look at it, but just painfully obvious babbling by a half-educated and rotten bureaucracy that calls itself Intellectual.