Bob makes one point that I would like to discuss.

Bob said, "I am long past hating Jews. I am BORED with them. I was BORED with them thirty years ago. They are as predictable as liberals and neoconservatives and respectable conservatives. Can you empathize with what it feels like to spend decades reading commentaries, and knowing from the first sentence everything that clown is going to say?"

Reply by AFKAN:

We might well be "bored with the Goddamn JEWS," but, even now, I am stunned how the Goddamn JEWS act in perfect harmony with their Greater Goal, as if they weren't really "people," at all, but rather, nodes through which the process of Goddamn JUDAISM as the RACIAL IMPULSE of the Asiatic Hive Consciousness works - tirelessly, relentlessly, eternally, as our eternal RACIAL foe, regardless what Forms our RACE may adopt for the fulfillment of its purpose.

My functional definition of Goddamn JUDIASM is elegantly simple - JUDAISM is the EXACT OPPOSITE of Christianity - or, at least, what Christianity SHOULD be, at the Institutional level, as the Spiritual Impulse that calls our RACE forward, from the mud, to the stars.

The process of Spiritual Transformation begins with the Quickening - the certain Realization, however uncertain (at first) that, at a fundamental level, SOMETHING is WRONG - entire social systems are built on erroneous assumptions and beliefs, and these become the practices of the Society.

The Awakening follows the Quickening - an ever-deeper growth in Awareness that the Realization that triggered the Quickening is more correct than you dared imagine. Two movies illustrate this with dramatic eloquence:

The first movie is "The Matrix," when Neo leaves the bottle, and is on his back in the infirmary of the ship. His question is timeless - "Why do my eyes hurt?" The answer is telling - "Because you've never used them." THIS is the closest media has come to demonstrating the Quickening. My eyes literally hurt when I watch what is called "News," and it is almost physically painful to watch the narcotic of television in general, and "Sports" in particular.

The second movie is "They Live." This classic has the Hero, Roddy Piper, putting on "sunglasses" that have "Hoffman Lenses" built into them (a modest tribute to Michael Hoffman, I suspect). With the sunglasses - the Hoffman Lenses - on, you can see the hidden messages in all of our media, and you can clearly see the Aliens. Thus, you see the Aliens WHO LOOK JUST LIKE IS without the Hoffman Lenses, AND you can see their Agenda. As well, you can hear the public announcement system telling everyone to remain "Asleep." From the moment the Hoffman Lenses go on - the SHOCK of the Quickening - to the ever-deeper realization that the rot of the Aliens has infected all of our social order - the Awakening - you realize that literally the Aliens have perverted everything in the social order from its proper function.

Peter Shank developed a point that we must never forget - the Goddamn JEWS took over this country without firing a shot, through control of the WORDS we heard, the WORDS we read, and the PICTURES we saw.

Bob makes a good point - that Goddamn JEWS really are "boring," in that, once you understand them, and what they TRULY are, they are as predictable as automatons - clever automatons, but, lacking the CREATIVE SOUL, automatons nonetheless.

Unspoken is what I think is Bob's greater point - many of our brethren get trapped on the realization that they understand WHO our Enemy is, and see ONE PARTICULAR FORM - "Communism," "Soviet Russia," "New World Order," "Internationalists" - one particular WORD to describe a very complex process of RACIAL WAR - and figure they've GOT IT. All that happens, then, is simply the FORM transforms - and suddenly, our brethren are back to fighting smoke, and mirrors.

Even those who say, "It's the Goddamn JEWS" miss the point that the Goddamn JEWS are simply nodes through which the process of Goddamn JUDAISM operates.

Even then, all too many of us are stuck at fighting what is WRONG, rather than being about the much greater, inherently Creative WORK of developing what is RIGHT, as the Creative Solution to the issues before us.

Until I get to the point that I can do THAT well enough, routinely, I will still use Goddamn JUDAISM as my touchstone for how deeply "Christianity" - the spiritual Impulse behind Western Civilization - has been perverted into its EXACT OPPOSITE, "JUDEOChristianity" - and as an reminder of how relentless they are in their desire to rule, or ruin.

Even a "boring" Enemy provides plenty of motivation!